How My Husband Stuck with One Company for 10 Years

Couples celebrate first dates, years of marriage but today I’d like to celebrate my husband’s 10 year tenure at Rackspace. Of course, it’s special to me because we met 10 […]

Mentorship over Coffee, Lesson #2: Define your Non-negotiables

As mentioned in a previous post, I’ve started a mentorship at Rackspace. I had my second session and wanted to share the lesson I learned, which was “define your non-negotiables.” […]

This is what my husband does at Rackspace

We recently published the following infographic on the Rackspace blog, Cloud Sites in Numbers. Many don’t know but my husband manages a team of engineers that work on all the […]

Mentorship over Coffee, Lesson #1: Build your Brand

A lot has happened in the past four years after I made the decision to come back to Rackspace. More so than looking for the perfect job, I wanted to […]

Things I learned while managing a corporate blog

I never applied for a job that had “manage the blog” in the requirements or did I say in my interview, “I would be great at managing your corporate blog.” […]